Let us help you with your Slip & Fall problems before it is too late
About Scandic Coating
Scandic Coating Sweden was established in the year 2004. I have worked for several years as a Safety Manager for the Petrochemical Industry on Oil Platforms and Oil Rigs and have seen a lot of unnecessary lethal- and serious accidents, because of some Companies and Municipalities Priority decisions.
Our Companies Slogan is: SAFETY FIRST!
If we cannot, for whatever reason deliver the needed safety, we will not accept the job.
Cost Saving Decisions, when it has to do with Slip & Fall Prevention, has many times cost lives and much more money than the cost for Preventive actions, through Claims, Slowed Production and so on.
Why is Prevention of Slip, Trip and Falls important?
In Canada alone over 42,000 workers get injured annually due to fall incidents. This number represents about 18% of the "Time-loss injuries" that were accepted by Workers' Compensation Boards or Commissions across Canada (based on statistics from Association of Workers' Compensation Boards of Canada, 2016).
Statistics show that the majority (67%) of falls happen on the same level resulting from slips and trips. The remaining 30% are falls from a height. Falls from an elevation, such as falls from ladders, roofs, down stairs or from jumping to a lower level, etc., is discussed in the Safety Belts, Harnesses, and Lanyards document, since each type of fall requires different features in a fall prevention program.
Let us help you out with our Recommendations.